BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 SP5 b2.1.05 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Upgrading to BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 SP1

To upgrade to BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 SP1 from a previous release:

  1. Create a validated backup of the configuration database and the repository databases.
  2. In Control Panel, uninstall the previous version of BlueCielo [M] Explorer Client and BlueCielo Publisher. Optionally, uninstall BlueCielo [M] Explorer Feedback Page, if present
  3. Install BlueCielo Publisher 2012 SP1 and BlueCielo [M] Explorer Client 2012 SP1.
  4. Start the BlueCielo Application Manager. The Publisher jobs and Explorer repositories from the previous installation should still be visible.
  5. Upgrade each repository database:
  1. Select the repository in the left pane. The repository's properties appear in the right pane.
  2. In the right pane, click Upgrade. The Upgrade Meridian Explorer Database wizard appears.
  3. Click Finish. The upgrade process begins and displays the results when complete.
  1. Upgrade the client configuration:
  1. Open the Meridian Explorer client application. By default, the address is http://<ServerName>/ExplorerClient/home.aspx. Note that no views will be available.
  2. Open the Meridian Explorer Configurator. The link can be found on the Home page under Settings. Alternatively, you can use the following address:


    If you are not a Meridian Explorer administrator, the link will not be available. For information about becoming an administrator, consult a system administrator or the BlueCielo Meridian Explorer Administrator’s Guide.

  1. When you first open the Configurator, the application will upgrade the view configuration from the previously installed release. The views should be visible in the Configurator. Redeploy the configuration as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Explorer Administrator’s Guide. If any errors occur, you are prompted to correct them before the configuration can be deployed.
  1. Before running the repository synchronization job in the BlueCielo Application Manager, the property mappings must be updated. The Meridian Explorer 2012 properties now include folder properties and folder types. To synchronize Meridian Enterprise project folders to a Meridian Explorer repository as projects, enable the folder types in the mapping dialog. Otherwise, the folders will be synchronized as normal folders. The folder types are not mapped by default.

    The project folders will be created in the repository at the next synchronization only if a document or object tag in the folder requires synchronization. Therefore, you must force the synchronization of at least one document in each project folder.

The upgrade is now complete.

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